Master Race Planned for Utah
M. Toole | Jun 16, 2015 | Comments 0
(Moab Monkeywrench – Deseret Edition — June 10, 2015)
The First ever Master Bicycle Classic kicks off this weekend near Canyonlands National Park. The race is expected to draw more than 400 participants and crowds numbering in the low thousands despite the raging heat.
Promoters told The Horseshoe that the race would bring $40,000 into the local economy. Not particularly anxious to elaborate, they concluded that since all the motels are filled and all the campgrounds overflowing “the event is a success before it even starts.”
If these people spend enough money we could shut this whole shooting match down until the fall when the temperature resumes a normal flow.
Melting bicycle tires and heat exhaustion are only a part of the fun according to an unidentified bicycle repairman.
“I have already sold 200 custom-made ice bag rubber insulators and it’s not even noon.” – Red Archer
Filed Under: Lifestyles at Risk