All Entries Tagged With: "Democratic Party"
Democrats Concede 2022 Elections
(Washington) Politicians and voters linked to the Democratic Party have all but given up on the 2022 Mid-term elections according to a just completed poll.
Although reasons for this phenomenon are varied it appears conclusive that the issue rides on an inferiority complex linked to leaders at the top of the heap.
“If you can’t beat this gang of whackos in the GOP now what chance is there down the road?” said Ellen Chide, former campaign manager for a host of Democrats. “Maybe a clear message aimed at voters would help.”
Many American voters are left out in the cold by Democrats who appear lame and plagued by in-fighting. They appear to equate the party with big government and the same old song and dance. Apparently they see the GOP as populist and responsive although in reality it is racist and incompetent relying on sound bytes to stoke fears about immigration and right to choice.
“The Democrats are bumblers while the Republicans are flat out mean,” said Chide. “which leaves us with nobody in our corner.”
Mid-term elections, that historically favor the party out of power, often foreshadow which way the wind will blow two years later.
–Fred Zeppelin