M. Toole | Aug 14, 2019 | Comments 0
Reunion: All of those who were barred or 86th from Red’s Gravy Heaven for bad behavior between the years of 1979 and 2019 are cordially invited to a reunion. RSVP, LSMFT. No Irish. Manana’s only Smoke House Vegan Bar and Grill. Come meet the new owners.
Locally distilled gin, smooth, cures neurosis, grows hair, breaks down superstition. Pix of distiller Harry “Himself” Juniper-Bushe. The gate is open. Mind the bulls.
(All the chatter about so many new distilleries opening up…promises to relieve side affects of old age, neutralize simple mental illness and cure baldness by the application of an ancient remedy involving the square root of 2/3. What can one make of it?)
Help wanted: Three strong laborers to help dig up buried news stories from the nation’s past. Security provided. Good grammar essential. Drones and Diggers, Whitewater.
Deadline to apply for Colorado Celebrity Status is Feb 15, 2020. Be sure to mark seasonal on your application. Last chance to separate yourself from the peasantry for next summer’s juried events.
Filed Under: Fractured Opinion