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Bus Politicians Says Noise

(Washington DC    Chamber Pot Calling )

A controversial bill before the House of Reprehensions could result in many legislators hitting the road. Bill 2016, sponsored by brothers Oral (Fizzy Party-CO) and Rectal noise (Unitarian-CA) calls for drastic house cleaning, including forced bussing of lawmakers and strict adherence to and compliance with the mandatory budgets imposed by a cross-section of single mothers.

“Everyone agrees that bussing was a ridiculous attempt at disparity that ignored the human factor,” said one Noise brother. Chiming in, Rectal agreed saying that over 35 senators and congressmen still on the job were the mindless architects of the plan to relocate students by bussing them all over hell in an attempt to level the educational playing field.

If passed, the bill would require all members of Congress to travel (by bus) at least 5000 miles per year outside the Millionaire’s Boys Club into harsh urban and rural realities of America. To facilitate smooth movement the congressmen would be bussed into these poor neighborhoods and housed in federal projects. In addition they would be required to survive on the challenging budget of a single mother living within these confines.

Following the development, more congressmen would be bussed to middle class neighborhoods and be forced to live on the budget of these often tragic, working poor who struggle to keep one step ahead of collapse.

“We hope that the exposure to real Americans and their daily struggles might allow our leaders to stop all the double talk, the lies, the juvenile campaigning and cultivate some compassion,” flexed one sponsor of the proposal.

Opponents of the bill threatened to filibuster until concessions are made. Most favor a watered down plan to limit forays into dysfunctional schools, crime infested neighborhoods and institutional poverty.

  – Zorro DesPlants