Chattered of late…
M. Toole | Nov 06, 2022 | Comments 0
“All this top secret nonsense! So what if an outgoing President want to hang on to a few keepsakes even if they are sensitive militarily you know storage of nukes, troop movements, computer codes and passwords. What is the problem? The Dems just want to discredit our wonderful, terrific Donald and maybe Lindsey, Rudy, Greg, Ted, Steve and Jared down with him. But what of Marjorie and our little pawn, Lauren. Those bad old communist liberals are circling…Another witch-hunt targeting the good Christian white folks that make our nation the best in the world.”
– overheard in entirety at a recent GOP gathering, Maybelle, Colorado
“The king is dead! Long live the king!” – Medieval satire that often resulted in stark drawing and quartering if one was a peasant with a big mouth. – see Fun with Feudalism
Filed Under: Hard News