M. Toole | May 21, 2024 | Comments 0
cheeseparings – cheese peels, saved only by the very poor or the tightwad; worthless scraps, miserly economizing; scrimping.
omphaloskepsis – meditation while gazing at one’s naval.
exarch – 1.) a Byzantine big shot. 2.) a Bulgarian ecclesiastical big shot. 3.) an ecclasiastical batman.
scansorial – pertaining to, capable of or adapted for climbing.
patriot – one who loves, supports and defends his country. Term first associated with those who rebel against an oppressive government.
chaology – the study of chaos.
democracy – rule by the majority.
pollard – 1.) an animal that has lost its horns 2.) a severely pruned tree 3.) to kill rabbits by feeding them poisoned grain.
pozzy-wallah – a jam lover (British slang).
flapdragon – a game of catching candy from burning brandy.
Filed Under: Reflections on Disorder