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Sounds Right But It’s Not

Hey chopper heads! The sound of some words can be defined by other words that mean something else altogether. Can you match the definition of the word in Group A with that is associated by sound and elaborate nonsense to a word in Group B?

Group A

1. Capital S

2. Male escort

3. Wedding Day

4. Judge’s garb

5. How Dali paints

6. Faint noise

7. Lousy poet

8. Ready hat

9. Ex-spouse

10. Fake Diamond

Group B

a. Stalemate

b. Shamrock

c. Locomotion

d. Cereal

e. Largess

f. Bombard

g. Mandate

h. Lawsuit

i. Maritime

j. Handicap

Answers: 1-e, 2-g, 3-i, 4-h, 5-d, 6-c, 7-f, 8-j, 9-a, 10-b.

The Games People Play

Each of the games listed in Group C originated in a locale listed in Group D. Can you put the right game with the right place on the planet?

Group C

1. Awari

2. Hus

3. Pachisi

4. Shove Ha’penny

5. Alquerque

6. Go

7. Senet

8. Chess

9. Shogi

10. Yote’

11. Asalto

12. Caroms

13. Dice

14. Dreidel

15. Knucklebones

Group D

a. Israel

b. Ethiopia

c. Germany

d. India

e. Spain via Egypt

f. Sumeria

g. West Africa

h. Japan

i. Greece

j. Surinam

k. England

l. China

m. Egypt

n. Zimbabwe

o. India

Answers 1-j, 2-n, 3-o, 4-k, 5-e, 6-l, 7-m, 8-d, 9-h, 10-g, 11-c, 12-b, 13-f, 14-a, 15-i.

Bright Menu

In each of the words clued below, whether at the beginning, at the end or in between, you should be able to find something edible. Examples: Loud Cry-Scream-cream. Irritate, annoy-tease-tea. NOW YOU TRY…

1. Alms seeker

2. Outer garments

3. Sailing vessel

4. Width

5. Gravity

6. Smooth

7. Tool

8. Satisfy

9. Sharp-pointed weapon

10. Mottled

11. Fixer of fixtures

12. Move in haste

Answers 1. Beggar, egg; 2. Coats, oats; 3. Windjammer, jam; 4. Breadth, bread; 5. Sobriety, Brie; 6. Sleek, leek; 7. Hammer, ham; 8. Appease, peas; 9. Spear, pear; 10. Dapple, apple; 11. Plumber, plum; 12. Scurry, curry. Now make up about 200 of these clues to spring on your friends. Don’t panic. It’s going to be a long winter.


by Edwin R. Whom

     Today most Americans cannot spell, make correct change, take responsibility for their own actions or tell us where Canada is located. It is sad. But where, you may ask, did the tragic breakdown first occur? I’ll tell you…It was in the subject of grammar. It is the mastery of this elusive study therefore that stands as the hero of our legacy, the bastion of rock and roll lyrics, the saving grace of the culture. Tread lightly ye rudimentary heretic!

In the following sentences identify the subject, the predicate, all adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, action verbs, prepositions, articles and dangling participles.

1. A penniless Lorain could not find her way out of the suspended paper bag only because the Gypsy prince had relieved her of the master key, among other things.

2. In his tiny head Cal was still the everyday left fielder even though he had not signed so much as one autograph since 1956 and, off the field, was often mistaken for a hockey puck.

3. Suddenly Ben’s peruke slid into the jello salad exposing him for exactly what he was–a confused, though not unattractive, after hours parasite!

4. Maureen didn’t enjoy rats but was often overheard to say, “Mongoose make suitable companions after a flash flood or other tropical storm.”

5. A tentative Maurice tossed down a quick domestic six-pack before heading off into the harsh Montana swampland and into a horizon known locally as Alberta.


Can you define the following words?

1. GOOGOL: a.) Ten to the hundredth power; b.) To stare at someone stupidly; c.) A turncoat lieutenant in the service to Genghis Khan; d.) To purposely goose someone and later pretend the victim was one’s wife or husband.

2. ZONDA: a.) a small Japanese car; b.) The name of Dobbie Gillis’ girlfriend; c.) A hot wind of the Argentine pampas; d.) A cheese made from the pasteurized milk of a adolescent yak.

3. JEHU: a.) A Himalayan rope suspension bridge; b.) Someone who drives too fast; c.) A hayseed, a yahoo or someone from Hooterville; d.) The practice of eating dirt, gravel or yellow snow; e.) All of the above.

4. AGRESTIAN: a.) of the land; b.) A tribe inhabiting Northern Albania; c.) Growing wild in irrigation ditches; d.) Someone who is stupid but thinks he is way cool.

5. BUCKEEN: a.) A young man of lesser gentry aping the manners of the greater; an idle shabby young dandy (Irish); b.) Change for a Ten-spot in Wales; c.) Bad knees resulting from athletic abuse and unfortunate genetics; d.) The habit of jockeying back and forth on the potty in an fruitless attempt to relieve discomfort caused by Xiuhtecutli, the Aztec fire god.