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2022 Gout Season Will Continue Despite Virus

2022 Gout Season Will Continue Despite Virus

This year’s gout season will go on as planned despite concerns over viruses, volcanoes and societal voltage. Although precautions are in place many unwilling participants are stocking up on cherries and anti-inflation aids in apprehension of crystal conflicts.

Traditionally stretching from late Feb to early May gout season has become a regular, if not pleasant visitor with little explanation of why and how and only a glancing interest in what and when by the medical community. Underlying causes for the painful malady run from diet to heredity to simple bad luck

As most readers know the termination of gout season coincides with the arrival fo the cherry crop from the Northwest. Cherries, along with fish fruit and vegetables are recommended to treat flare ups. Alcohol and red meat are the major bugaboos.

Col Goute at work outside of Gettysburg in 1863. Although some say his methods are extreme, his solution to gout is effective and has been seriously considered by many in their time of need.

Named after Col Reggie Goute, a French surgeon active during the American Civil War. Goute, who changed his name to Gout following Cold Harbor, lays claim to have sawed off more than 400 extremities between 1863 and 1865. His remedy for gout? You guessed it.

Meanwhile the San Juan Horseshoe’s annual gout Issue has received rave reviews all across the civilized world and in Grand Junction. 

The Pea Green Peeper says “They actually carried the gout theme to the bounds of infinity without even stopping for a nice fried lunch.” 

“Incredibly deep, yet shallow on individual case histories and solutions.” – Pitcairn Island Medical Journal

“A throbbing microcosm of crystallized data that jabs at the nerve centers of what is real and what might be real.”  Popular Hysterics 

“Riveting, relentless, slicing “- The Dublin Daily News