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Embattled Border – Threads of Chaos

Up here in the Andes at 7000 feet the electricity goes off at least three times a day but the birds stay on, but just a little bit north all hell has broken loose, and we can safely say it has reached Biblical proportions…

It appears that elements in the Texas police and Natural Guard may have crucified a man whose name was reportedly  Jesus Something or other…Martinez or Garcia, maybe……..It’s all very muddy this morning.

According to law enforcement officials, who denied any links to the “lynching”, ”We couldn’t find any nails so we had to used 2-penny fear as our gritty adhesive.”

Gov Brer’ Rabbit called the violence an unfortunate accident and suspended all search and destroy operations in a lame attempt to avoid resurrecting recurring problems along the Rio Grande.  He quickly issued a rare apology before retracting it, and issuing it again in the face of jitterbug polls while a mountain of madness is deposited at his well-heeled feet.

In other news another man named Jesus was turned away at the border by border vigilantes.

“He looked Jewish enough but otherwise he resembled a lot of them that’s at the gate,” they reported.

And now the Roman Catholic Church, no johnny-come-lately to the fairy tale business,  wants to build a massive basilica on the now hastily sanctified spot, while activists asked why the ultra-wealthy Vatican isn’t sharing its fortune with these desperate refugees instead. Ojala.

Meanwhile live from his tax-exempt strip mall chapel Dallas Reverend of Divinity Billy-Roy Shanker, an avid freedom stalwart and self-appointed fisherman of souls, chimed in:

“If Jesus was here today he’d be embarrassed by the behavior of most of his followers who call themselves after him…but he’s not here so feel free to continue your current behavior until he gets here. You’ll be forgiven,  just be generous with the collection plate.”

Readers may recall that earlier this month yet another  man fitting the description of the legendary prophet was run out of town after attempting to thwart armed Christian vigilantes in their right to defend the a golf course from refugee hordes . He said his name was Jesus too.

“Then after claiming to have been sent from on high, he actually came into our gated Mega Church and started telling us what to do,” said one churchgoer. “The Nerve! Some of our patrons said he had his dirty hands all over the hymnals. And the way he dressed! Good God!”

“It’s the post-Easter Season, you know after La Semana Borachas…We always see this kind of behavior in coordination with the crucifixion and the return from the dead stuff, Slicke punctuated. “The faithful clog the highways looking for another miracle. Then all the Resurrection Deniers come out of the woodwork. It’s cyclical.”

-Clara Biddy

*Billy-Roy Shanker gained national notoriety  for his savage attack on voice lessons saying they are the Devil’s workshop. Bad sounding hymns, off-key, tedious and piercing, offended neighbors while dogs  dogs whined and howled. “We sound beautiful. God likes our music. Brothers and sisters: Can’t you hear that almighty foot a tapping’ away?” That’s all that matters,” Shanker had claimed at the time.