RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Adult history classes offered"

Night history, political science classes offered

Finally! Adult American history classes. Find out what they didn’t tell you about the US in school and become a real patriot for it. Coursework covers slavery, genocide, labor wars, racial immigration, causes for the Mexican and Civil Wars, Reconstruction, Robber Barons, Jim Crow and Malcolm X. 

For more write Uncle Scam, Box 19865, Rifle. Pry your knowledge and comprehension out of the dark ages. Register at the Multi-Events Center at the Cathedral of the Perennially Stunned today!

The Reading of the US Constitution 

Where recent immigrants read these documents aloud

to United States natives who have not read same.

(Ha Ha! Listen to their funny accents).

June 29 *Complete roster of professional baseball statistics from

1869 to present relayed in a clever chronological format…

July 5- 6 *Mad Hatter Machiavellian  

July 8 Karl Marx rebuttal of Ayn Rand

July 9-10 Ayn Rand rebuttal of Karl Marx

July 10 Comparison and Analysis of European and Colonial

head-butting philosophies since 1634.

July 15 Out-of-Market matches negated.

(Summer break)

July 20 Riveting Detours Live in Concert  – AI or just anal?

Closed Circuit Only…Extra Credit Premium

This fall: Weekly readings at your local Communist Health Food Co-op.

Sorry: No more scholarships until 2030.

-compiled by Katie Wompus