Mountain Report

  The Rockies, including the San Juans and Elk ranges, are up there again today, standing like a stone wall against the elements…at peace with their surroundings and in total immersion with the coming day.

     According to seismic apparatus on the scene, the mountains have shifted ever so slightly to the east, compensating for a miniscule shift to the north last Friday. They are covered with a deep blanket of snow in 95 % of the exposed terrain.

     Many of the fury residents have taken to hibernating or hiding out to survive the harsh winter conditions common to areas of higher altitude.

     These monuments of rock are projected to be part of the skyline landscape for many, many years to come. It is clear that the mountains will be here when humankind has disappeared or moved on. In short: everything is copasetic in the high country.

     The mountains will remain this way while most of our daily problems melt into future dilemmas and our children’s children gaze up at them in awe…in retrospect, all the more reason not to take ourselves, and our brief time here, too seriously.

Willie Holiday

Filed Under: Reflections on Disorder


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