Learn while you drive
M. Toole | Dec 07, 2022 | Comments 0
Special from the Juneau What
Next time you take a drive why not learn a little something and perhaps even graduate from college!
That’s the hope of Dr. Clara Mascara, who along with an esteemed panel of educators (or people who look like them) has established Billboard University.
B.U. actually consists of a network of thousands of billboards all across the country, each with an educational factoid. Even a short drive (minimum three miles) can earn an eighth of a college credit, while a cross country trek might qualify an attentive driver for a PhD.
Testing will be conducted in one of hundreds of combination testing facility/burger joint/coffee shops along major arteries. B.U. has contracts with everyone from your favorite fast food chain to that sleazy gas station on the corner with the dirty bathrooms.
Sadly, this offer is not valid in Alaska (where this story has originated) due to laws prohibiting billboards in the North Country. Persons living there who want to learn can call The Juneau What to arrange times on their daily shuttle to the Lower 48. Sorry…No seniors.
-Pepper Salte
Filed Under: Hard News