Former President’s Light Bill Still Up in Air

Current resident, Congressional co-signers,

refuse to pay Trump Electric Bill

(Washington) Traditional guaranteers said they would not cough up money to cover electric bills at the White House from 2017 – 2021 according to a report in this month’s Vacant Lot Magazine. 

Brothers and Sisters Electric Co-op is reportedly still trying to collect from back during Trump White House years. 

“He says he never signed anything and that he was still under Obama’ s Plan,” said a coop source. “Something about sub-leasing. Now we know. He owes us and who knows how many others.”

Obama who denies any such action adding that it “is not generally regarded as solid business practice to extend credit and especially grace periods to sociopaths.”

Due to horrid credit dealings Trump had been required to obtain co-signers so as to secure the monthly power service. The fact that he was President of the uNited States at the time makes the arrangement that much more uncomfortable, and embarrassing for major players.

Appeals to the local water provider, contested lawn service concerns, suits over parking fines and fast food debts have been a concern to fiscal watchdogs since Trump left the White House.

“It sets a bad precedent to say the least,” said Jeanet Janette, acting Treasury Czar. “If people see our elected officials acting irresponsibly or even criminally, they’ll fall behind and be castigated by plastic debt too.”

In similar wheel spinning Congress has voted unanimously to put future debt payments on its American Express Card ——benefits convenience, credit recording, premiums often earned and the minimum payment due next month. After an eleventh-hour masterpiece in  fiscal denial the two parties agreed to a bi-partisan settlement and went out to breakfast

“All violent crimes are hate crimes, no? – Why categorize?”

     – Oswald Remington Jr.

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