M. Toole | May 15, 2024 | Comments 0
(Gunnison) A relief shipment of Texans is expected to arrive here by the weekend according to contacts in San Antonio. The shipment should relieve the drastic situation that has concerned local residents after the ski season culminates. With graduation looming the crisis had threatened to reach epidemic proportions and drive the prices of real estate in the county down to a level based on day to day reality.
It would be at least another month before throngs or second home owners and pedestrian tourists arrive with more credit cards and fewer bags of gold.
“We simply can’t have that with all those parents coming to town,” said Andrea Andromeda, a former coal miner hair stylist turned real estate closer.
The Texans will be unloaded near Chipeta Hall all week with the help of the Texas Rangers, The Bureau of Land Management and a group of land owners in Taylor Canyon. Each new arrival will receive 40 acres, a Stetson hat, a Jeep Wagoneer and a Texas/Venison Dictionary.
-Kashmir Horseshoe
Filed Under: Reflections on Disorder