Behavior Modification Changes Perception on Highways

(Paonia, Nov 28, 2014) More and more Western Slope police departments have been implementing a new approach to the enforcement of traffic laws this fall. They call the program Positive Response Pacification.
Here’s how it works: A police officer observes a driver roaring through a school zone. Then the operator runs two red lights, makes an illegal U-turn and comes to a screeching stop inches away from a line of parked cars. Does the officer pursue the reckless driver and make an arrest? He does not.
Moments later the same officer observes a delivery truck proceeding at the allotted speed limit, signaling when appropriate, driving defensively and politely. He hits the flashing light on the patrol car and swings into action. Overtaking the delivery vehicle the cop vaults from his car and approaches the driver.
“Good morning sir,” smiles the policeman. “I stopped you to tell you that you are doing a fine job operating this panel truck. We value safe, considerate drivers like you on our roads and highways so here is a ticket for $25. Just send it in to motor vehicles and they’ll send you a check.”
This innovative departure from the punitive has been the rule since September 2 and has cut the average officer’s workload by as much as 50%. Already it has lowered stress and complications due to messy fines and imprisonment.
“Drunk driving throws it all out the window,” said one policeman. “We give no quarter to drunks, texting or people smoking dope and driving. By rewarding positive behavior and ignoring the negative we hope to educate the public that it must earn the privilege of operating cars on state arteries,” he said. “The only problem now is that motorists follow squad cars in hopes of catching the attention of a lawman and cashing in on the loot.”
– Marcia Marvelous

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